Your Trusted Partners in Habitat Restoration

Locally Adapted Native Seeds and Plants
We provide an inventory of top-quality seeds and plugs of known genetic origin. We specialize in California native grasses, forbs, and other native plants. Our two decades of experience growing plants to restore a wide variety of habitats means you’re getting unparalleled value.
Our native plants and seeds are available. Check our availability list here.
Native Plant Contract Grows
In addition to our nursery inventory, we custom grow plants for specific needs. We’re committed to your project’s success and will coordinate with you to not just drop off the plants when you need them, but to make sure you know when the optimal time to plant is. We also offer guidance to ensure not just that the plants are the right fit, but that your project is designed from the ground up to be the best it can be.

Custom Seed Mixes
We develop custom seed mix designs based on overall habitat goals, the geographic regions being restored, seeding methods, project budget and more.
Wildland Seed Collection
We can collect seed for your projects. This includes obtaining permission to collect, scouting materials, using the appropriate collection techniques, seed curing and cleaning, seed testing, and detailed data management of the collection process. We’re committed to going above-and-beyond with communication and documentation to ensure you know exactly what you’re getting.

Seed Amplification
For large quantities and site-specific projects, we provide seed amplification contract growing to grow large amounts of seeds. Seed stock is precious, and whether you do the collection or Heritage Growers does, from the moment it reaches our hands, we treat it like extremely valuable commodity that it is. We clean the seeds, test them at our seed lab partners, and either directly seed them if we have enough seed or grow them into nursery plugs that are then installed into our field. Then we grow, maintain, harvest, test, bag, and tag the seed, returning it to you for your projects.
Native Seed Cleaning and Testing
Heritage Growers cleans and processes native seed for appropriate testing with our seed laboratory partners. We clean the seed to the typical standards of the species being cleaned.

Native Grass Straw
Native grass straw is an excellent restoration tool. It provides good erosion control and often includes native grass seed in it to enhance revegetation efforts. We provide recommendations on how to best utilize our native grass straw in your project.
Habitat Restoration Implementation
Heritage Growers offers restoration services through River Partners, a restoration nonprofit with more than two decades of experience implementing hundreds of large-scale restoration projects across more than 18,000 acres statewide. With the largest restoration footprint of any company or NGO in the western U.S., River Partners has the proven expertise to maximize restoration success.

Request a consultation today to discuss how Heritage Grower’s restoration solutions can help your project succeed.